Research Overview

The Department of Management at Invertis University is committed to producing high-quality, innovative research on a variety of topics related to business and management. The faculty and students involved in the research conducted by the department seek to offer a comprehensive view of the current state of management practices of organisations and provide evidence-based solutions to improve these practices, enhance their performance, and provide insights into current trends in the business environment.

Overview & Identity Of Invertis University
Overview $ Identity Of Invertis University

Area of Research

The Department of Management has a strong focus on research that is relevant to India and is dedicated to developing innovative business models and strategies that are tailored to the Indian context. This includes research on innovative business models in areas such as social entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship, microfinance, family businesses, and business ethics in India. The Department also studies the impact of social media and other digital technologies on business, as well as how businesses can leverage technology for growth and innovation.



Research collaborations at the Department of Management aim to create a platform for exchanging knowledge between academia, industry, and the public sector and to encourage students and faculty to engage in research activities that are of global relevance. Through these collaborations, faculty and students gain access to resources and insights on topics such as corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, and the role of business in society. With these insights they strive to develop innovative solutions to the myriad challenges faced by organisations.


Research Policy

Research policy at the Department of Management at Invertis University is designed to promote and advance the research capabilities of the faculty, staff, and students. The policy seeks to foster an environment that inspires creative and innovative thinking, encourages collaboration, and provides a platform for research activities and results.


The Department of Management at Invertis University is actively involved in creating opportunities for faculty and students to procure patents that can assist their research and development activities in the field of management. These patents are provided by the government, industry, private organisations, and other universities and are used to fund research projects, promote collaboration among faculty and students, and develop innovative solutions to business probleMs.

Patent Title Inventor’s Name Application Number Year of Publication Status of Patent
Smart Dustbin Dr. Manmohan Bansal 202311007117 2023 Published
Car Protection Shield Dr. Manmohan Bansal 202211036616 2022 Published
LPG Cylinder Leakage Cover Dr. Manmohan Bansal 2022110457899 2022 Published

Artificial intelligence based framework for human resource development by employing chatbots

Dr. Hitendra Shukla 202211033881 2022 Published

System to show the importance of block chain based model for creating new educational systems

Dr. Hitendra Shukla 202241049899 2022 Published

Methodology to observe the Impact of the Internet of Things on Job Flexibility and Productivity in the IT Economy

Er. Nitesh K Saxena 202211038706 2022 Published

A Data Mining-based Student Performance Analysis System

Dr. Mohnish Kumar 202211050676 2022 Published

A Novel Supply Chain-based Framework For The Health Care Industry”

Dr. Ankita Tandon 202241038499 2022 Published


The Department of Management at Invertis University publishes a variety of scholarly works, including journal articles, conference papers, and books.

Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Year of publication DOI
A Buying Behaviour of Rural Weekly HAAT Customers : An Empirical Study Dr. Manmohan Bansal Journal of The Gujarat Research Society. 2019 View More
An Empirical Study of Rural Consumer Shopping Orientation towards Personal Care Products Dr. Manmohan Bansal Invertis Journal of Management 2019 View More
Buying behaviour of Rural weekly Haat Customers: an empirical study Dr. Manmohan Bansal Journal of Gujrat Research Society 2019  
Determinants of Consumer Intention towards Not to Shop Online: An Insight from Indian Young Consumers Dr. Manmohan Bansal TEST Engineering & Management (Scopus) 2020 View More
Advertising Strategies for Post-COVID-19 Dr. Manmohan Bansal Book Chapter Opportunities in Media Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic’ 2021 View More
FDI Inflow in BRICS and G7: An Empirical Analysis Dr. Manmohan Bansal International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM) 2022 DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM.313443
A Study of FDI Inflow to ASEAN Economies (2022-2030) Dr. Manmohan Bansal ICDABI 2022 DOI: 10.1109/ICDABI56818.2022.10041682
Forecasting of GHG Emissions Using (ARIMA) Data Driven Intelligent Time Series Predicting Approach Dr. Manmohan Bansal Communication and Electronics Systems 2022 DOI: 10.1109/ICCES54183.2022.9835888
Forecasting of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per Capita Using (ARIMA) Data-Driven Intelligent Time Series Predicting Approach Dr. Manmohan Bansal Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance 2022 DOI: 10.1109/SIBF56821.2022.9939928
Credit Policy for the Agriculture with special reference to Bank of Baroda Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (UGC-CARE List Group I) 2023  
Impact of Covid-19 on Insurance Industry Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi International Journal of Health Sciences (SCOPUS) 2022  
Foreign Direct Investment Inflow and Investment Friendly Environment in India Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi Bihar Journal of Public Administration (UGC-CARE) 2020  
Impact of Coronavirus on Indian Tourism & Hospitality Industry Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi Alochana Chakra Journal (UGC Care Group I Journal). 2020  
Prospects and Challenges of Packed Food Market in Rural India Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi Our Heritage Journal (UGC Care Approved Indexed and Referred Journal) 2020  
A Case Study on Growth Pattern of Cashless Transaction System in India Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi Our Heritage Journal (UGC Care Approved Indexed and Referred Journal) 2020  
Prospects and Challenges of Spiritual Tourism in India and its impact on Economy Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering (IJMTE) (UGC Care Approved) 2018  
Advertising Strategies for Post-COVID-19 Dr. Mohnish Kumar Book Chapter Opportunities in Media Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic’ 2021 View More
A Comparative Study In Insurance Sector Attributes Which Influence Customers In Choosing Service Provider Dr. Mohnish Kumar RESEARCH FRONT 2015  
Assessing Service Quality Dimension: A Study on Indian Management Education Sector Dr. Mohnish Kumar Invertis Journal of Management 2019  
Comparative study of teachers of CBSE Board and UP Board towards children with disabilities Dr. Mohnish Kumar Unmilan 2020  
Impact of SQL dimensions on the satisfaction level of students of management institutions in U.P., India. Dr. Mohnish Kumar IOSR 2017  
"“A study of the association between SQL dimensions: core service policy, service delivery process and physical evidence with the satisfaction level of students of management institutions in U.P., India Dr. Mohnish Kumar IOSR 2017  
Service Quality Assessment: a Study of Consumer Satisfaction in Indian Insurance Sector Dr. Mohnish Kumar IOSR 2014  
"Service quality dimensions: analyzing expectation and perception in Indian insurance
industry concerning K AVAL region of Uttar Pradesh" Dr. Mohnish Kumar International Journal of Management & Technology 2013  
Impact of FDI in Insurance Services with Special Reference to Lucknow Region” Dr. Mohnish Kumar Deewan Group of Institution 2012  
analyzing demographic factors in service quality: insurance industry concerning KAVAL region of U.P.” In GNIT, Greater Noida in the national conference on strategies for sustainable growth in the era of information technology Dr. Mohnish Kumar GNIT 2012  
RECENT TRENDS IN INDIAN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM Ms. Ruchi Rastogi International journal of advanced science & technology 2020  
Private Universities & Quaity Education in UP Ms. Ruchi Rastogi IJAEMA 2020  
Role of higher education in sustainable development Ms. Ruchi Rastogi Book chapter- Recent trends in Business mangement & sustainable development.    
Applicability of International Financial Reporting Standards in India Mr. Nitin Sareen Invertis Journal of Management,Vol. 10, No. 1&2, July-December 2018, pp- 31-42 2018  
IND AS – 1, PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS- EMERGING ISSUE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING Mr. Nitin Sareen Invertis Journal of Management,Vol. 11, No. 2, July -December 2020, pp- 117-122    
IND AS AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS – A COMPARATIVE STUDY” Mr. Nitin Sareen · Mukt Shabad Journal (UGC CARE GROUP-1 JOURNAL), Vol. 10, Issue 2, Feb 2021, pp- 759-771. 2021  
Greenfield Investments: An Economic and Financial Key Driver for India’s Growth Dr. Viksit Tripathi Management and Economics Research Journal (MERJ), E-ISSN: 2469-4339 Vol. 5, Issue S3, Pgs. 8, 2019. 2019  
An insight to Indian Banking Sector: with special reference to Foreign Direct Investment Dr. Viksit Tripathi Vimarsh, IFTM University Juornal, Vol 5/ Issue 2 (July- December 2014) (ISSN 0976-5174). 2014  
Challenges and Opportunities faced by Indian Banking Sector (Special Referance to Foreign Direct Investment) Dr. Viksit Tripathi Vimarsh by IFTM University,Volume 3/Issue 1 & 2 July - December 2013,ISSN:0976-5174. 2013  
Export Industry of India: Present Trends and Future Prospects (with special reference to Hardgood Industry of Moradabad) Dr. Viksit Tripathi Research Journal of Arts, Management & Social Sciences Vol. VIII (ISSN 0975-4083) March 2013 2013  
Analysis the satisfaction of healthcare employees with the HR practices Dr. Hitendra Shukla Business , Management and Economic engineering 2022  
Impact of trade openness and inflation on FDI in India: ARDL approach Dr. Hitendra Shukla Gournal of statistics & management systeMs. ISSN 2169-0014 2022 Impact of trade openness and inflation on FDI in India: ARDL Approach: Journal of Statistics and Management Systems: Vol 25, No 5 (
Hospital workers and their perception towards NABH guideline Dr. Hitendra Shukla international journal of mechanical engineering vol 6 no 3 2021 View More
HR practices and the satisfaction of healthcare employees A study on the various Hospital of Bareilly district in UP Dr. Hitendra Shukla EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS LETTERS (SPECIAL ISSUE ) ABDC Journal 2021 View More
Study on Consumer Behaviour on Online Grocery Shopping Dr. Hitendra Shukla journal of management 2018  
Micro Insurance: Growth and Social Development Tool for Grass Root People in India Dr. Hitendra Shukla international journal of advanced technology in engineering and science ISSN 2348-7550 volume 03, issue S.I.(01) 2015  
An Evaluation of Human Resource Accounting Disclosure Practices in Indian Companies. in Indian Dr. Hitendra Shukla journal of applied research, volume no. 1 2012  
Companies Financial Performance and Human Resource Accounting Disclosure in Indian Public Sector Dr. Hitendra Shukla international refereed research journal research world journal of art, science& commerce volume IV issue 3(2) 2013  
Disclosure Practices and Managerial uses of Human Resource Accounting Dr. Hitendra Shukla 11th AIMs. International Conference on management organized by Institute of Management Technology, 2012  
Accounting Treatment of Human Resource as an Asset in Companies Dr. Hitendra Shukla international journal of management IT and engineering ISSN: 2249-0558 volume 4 issue 2014  
An Empirical Study on Citizen Perception, and Satisfaction Towards Ayushman Bharat Yojna (PM-JA1Y no rv (1) Er. Nitesh Kumar Saxena International Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2022  
E-governance services: An Financial Assessment of CSC (Common Service Center) in India. A study of csc owners in Bareilly District Er. Nitesh Kumar Saxena communicated and accepted for publication in IJEGR 2023
Impact of Implementation of E-Governance in Rohilkhand Region” Er. Nitesh Kumar Saxena SELP Journal of Social Science. ISSN : 0975-9999 (P) 2349-1655 (O). 2018  
Accessing the E-Government Services Through Smartphones: Challenges and Opportunities” Er. Nitesh Kumar Saxena Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research” (ISSN-2349-5162) April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4. 2019  
IoT (internet of Things): Prospects and challenges in India Er. Nitesh Kumar Saxena Indian ISSN 0975-6310. On 4-Sep-2020. 2020  
Rural Marketing – Looking Ahead Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Management Research & Review 2012  
Study of Consumption pattern and health awareness as regards the effect of fast food among university hostellers Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management 2013  
Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on purchase decision – A study among youth of Bareilly Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Management Research & Review 2014  
Online Market – Future of shopping in India Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Advance Technology in Engineering and Science 2015  
Development of Entrepreneurship through SSI in Uttar Pradesh Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal Business Management 2015  
E – Commerce in India – Challenges and Opportunities Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal Business Management 2015  
Economic factors affecting Human Happiness Mr. Tarun Gupta Edited book for Swami Shukhdevanad 2016  
Rural Retail in India – Challenges and Opportunities Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Science Technology and Management 2016  
Prospects and Challenges for FMCG Sector, with special reference to Rural India Mr. Tarun Gupta Journal of Marketing Strategy 2017  
Tourism Perspective in Developing Economies with special reference to India Mr. Tarun Gupta Journal of Management Research & Analysis 2018  
Prospects and Challenges of Spiritual Tourism in India and its impact on Economy Mr. Tarun Gupta International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering 2018  
Start up India – Opportunities & Challenges Mr. Tarun Gupta Invertis Journal of Management 2019  
Prospects and Challenges of Packed food market in Rural India Mr. Tarun Gupta Our Heritage 2020  
A case study on growth pattern of cashless transactions system in India Mr. Tarun Gupta Our Heritage 2020  
Impact of Coronavirus on Indian Retail Market Mr. Tarun Gupta Journal of Information and Computation Science 2020  
Impact of Coronavirus on Tourism and Hospitality Industry Mr. Tarun Gupta Alochana Chakra 2020  
Impact of Coronavirus on Indian Automobile Industry Mr. Tarun Gupta Mukt Shabd 2020  
Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction In The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Mr. Tarun Gupta Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022  
Role of Food in Attracting Tourists Towards Popular Tourism Destinations in India – An Empirical Study Mr. Tarun Gupta Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 2022  
Comparative Study of Organised and Unorganised Retail Sector in India Prof. Sunil Kumar Singh IILM Journal of Management 2020  
An Analysis of Private Label Brands in Retailing in Indian Retail Market Prof. Sunil Kumar Singh IILM Journal of Management 2021  
Impact of trade openness and inflation on FDI in India: ARDL Approach Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 2022 Impact of trade openness and inflation on FDI in India: ARDL Approach: Journal of Statistics and Management Systems: Vol 25, No 5 (
MARGINALISED STREET VENDORS AND FINANCIAL INCLUSION LEVELS Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari International Journal of creative research thoughts 2022 View More
HR practices and the satisfaction of healthcare employees A study on the various Hospital of Bareilly district in UP Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari The Empirical Economics Letters 2021 View More
Financial Inclusion and Economic Well-Being of Rural Households Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari International Journal of creative research thoughts 2018 View More
A Study on the Juvenile Delinquency and Its Supporting Factors Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari Manupatra 2017 View More
A statistical Note: Financial Inclusion-Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari International Journal of Science Technology & Management 2015 View More
A case study of financial exclusion at the crossroads Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari Invertis Journal of Management 2013 View More
Corporate Social Responsibility: Looking Back, Looking Forward an Indian Perspective Mr. Rajeev Singh Bhandari International Journal of Business Management and Leadership 2013  
Indian Perspective in CSR: Mapping Leaders’ Orientation Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, Vol. 16), EMERALD Publishing Limited (SCOPUS) 2020 View More
Criticism of Triple Bottom Line: TBL (With Special Reference to Sustainability) Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Corporate Reputation Review (CRR) - SPRINGER NATURE (SCOPUS INDEXED) 2021 View More
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study Of TATA Group Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM) - UGC INDEXED 2012 View More
Role of Technological Innovation in Execution of Corporate Social Responsibility Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Emperical Economics Letter (EEL) ABDC - C Grade Journal 2022 View More
Corporate Social Responsibility (A Literature Review) Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava International Journal of Pure and Applied Researches (UGC INDEXED) 2017 View More
An Analysis of Carroll's CSR Pyramid in Indian Context Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Neuro Quantology (SCOPUS INDEXED) 2022 View More
"REFLECTION & EXCOGITATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDIA Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues Volume 25, Special Issue 3, 2022 (UGC INDEXED) 2022 View More
Integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Digital Marketing Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 4514-4519, May 2023 2023 View More
Different Dimensions of Sustainability in Present Scenario: A Hand Book of Sustainability Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING GERMANY 2020 NA
Hand Book of Research in Corporate Social Responsibility :A Case Study Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING GERMANY 2018 NA
Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model to Understand the Trainee’s Acceptance and Usage of Internet of Things (IOT) by Skill Development Course Ms. Ananta Narayana Internet of things in Modern Computing Theory and Applications, Taylor & Francis Group (Scopus) 2023 Internet of Things in Modern Computing: Theory and Applications - 1st (
Strategic Decision Making For Harnessing Human Potential In New Economic Era- A Critical Review In Context of Indian Business Environment Ms. Ananta Narayana Journal Of Xi’an University Of Architecture And Technology (Scopus, UGC) 2020 View More
Eradicating Poverty And Approach To Sustainable Development with Special Emphasis To Millennium Development Goal 1: An Indian Perspective Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Scientific And Technology Research (Scopus, UGC) 2020 View More
Workplace Deviance: A Conceptual Framework Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Recent Technology And Engineering (Scopus, UGC) 2019 View More
Role of Media in Accelerating Women Empowerment Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Advanced Education and Research (UGC) 2016 View More
Socio-Legal Perspective and Women Empowerment in India Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Academic Research and Development (UGC) 2016  
A Roadmap Towards Efficient Tax System In India Ms. Ananta Narayana New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (UGC) 2015  
Need of Environment Conservation for Sustainable Development with Special Emphasis on Millennium Development Goal 7- In India Context Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Applied Research (Refreed Journal) 2015  
Girl Education: A Lifeline to Rural Transformation in India Ms. Ananta Narayana International Journal of Applied Research (Refreed Journal) 2015  
Status of Education in Government Schools-With Special Reference to Allahabad District Ms. Ananta Narayana Way Forward to Skill India: Reforms, Challenges & Imperatives (Book Chapter) 2017  
Challenges to Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation with Special Emphasis on Micro Finance An Analysis of North Eastern Villages of U.P, India Ms. Ananta Narayana Dimensions of Public Policy Changing Scenario (Book Chapter) 2014  
A Study on Gender in Agriculture: In Indian Context Ms. Ananta Narayana Managing Unorganized Sector in India Prospects and Challenges (Book Chapter) 2014  
Impact of social media promotions on recruitment of secondary students: A study based on UG professional colleges in Delhi-NCR Dr. Manish Gupta European Chemical Bulletin 2023 NA
A Study of Brand Preference and Consumption Pattern of Beer in Bareilly Dr. Manish Gupta Indian Journal of Marketing 2013 View More
Students’ perception of higher education service quality-an empirical study at Bareilly Dr. Manish Gupta Indian Journal of Marketing 2016 View More
Marketing & Branding Higher Education: Issues and Challenges” published in the international refereed Journal Dr. Manish Gupta Review of Business Research (RBR) 2010 View More
The Making of Brand India Dr. Manish Gupta Conference Proceeding of International Conference at IIM Khozokode 2007 View More
Consumer Attitude towards Online Buying-An Empirical Study on Internet Shoppers in Bareilly Dr. Manish Gupta Invertis Journal of Management 2019 View More
An Experiential Study on the Role and Inclusion of Indian Languages for Generating Employment Opportunity Dr. Ankita Tandon International Journal of Knowledge and Learning by Inderscience 2022  
Eduperneurial deaths in the management in the suburban areas of north India : reasons and remedies Dr. Ankita Tandon Journal of New Zealand Studies 2023  
Role of entrepreneurship in building a global village: trade, tax, and border Dr. Ankita Tandon Journal of New Zealand Studies 2023  
E-governance services: An Financial Assessment of CSC (Common Service Center) in India. A study of csc owners in Bareilly District Dr. Ankita Tandon communicated and accepted for publication in IJEGR 2023  
Impact of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority on Life Insurance Business in India Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal International Journal of Academic Research 2016  
Management of Liability Risk in Insurance Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal Journal of Exclusive Management Science 2016  
Legislative Role of IRDA in Promoting and Regulating an Orderly Growth of Life Insurance Business in India Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management 2017  
A Consumer Survey on Insurance Repository and E-Insurance Regulation of IRDA Act, 1999 in Uttar Pradesh: How These Regulations are Helping in Reducing and Redressing Life Insurance Consumer Grievances Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal International Journal of Research, Engineering, It and Social Science 2018  
Effectiveness of IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) Regulations on Grievance Redressal of Life Insurance Consumers in India Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) 2019  
The Impact of Digital Finance on Economic Development Dr. Angrish K. Agarwal IJARSCT 2021  

Invertis Village, Delhi Lucknow Highway NH-24, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh - 243 123, India


B-186, Civil Lines, Opposite Bareilly GPO, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh - 243 001, India