Journalism and mass communication professionals from the best journalism
colleges in India work in advertising, branding, broadcast news, and social
media marketing. In this highly interconnected world, both these work areas are needed
to ensure that people in all parts of the world are kept updated about the happenings
around the globe and can make informed choices accordingly.
The three-year Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC)
programme offered by the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, which is one
of the top BJMC colleges in India, aims to develop the oratory, written
and expressive communication skills in students, their research prowess, ability to put
together compelling audio and video as well as written narrations for incidents, and
facility in using different platforms to disseminate news to different audience. The
programme includes the subject combination of Principles of Communication, Development
Communication, Photo Journalism, Reporting and Editing, Radio and TV Journalism,
Language and Computer Skills for Mass Media, Print and Electronic Journalism, Rural
Journalism, etc. Lab work in communication and media technology, and design and graphics
are an integral part of the programme.
The BA Journalism and Mass Communication Colleges students also
undertake mock drills in radio presentations, news reading, interviewing and publishing
print media like newspapers and magazines. They also undertake internships with media
houses, newspapers, and television channels, and also become citizen journalists as part
of the curriculum. Invertis University offers one of the best Colleges for
Journalism for the budding professionals of tomorrow.